- Deadline: 16/01/2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
- Cofund Actions
- Budget around 10 000 000
- Indicative number of grants: 1
Africa-EU CO-FUND action
Following the EU commitments under the Paris Agreement, Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development and the post-Cotonou Agreement, the renewed objective to evolve current forms of cooperation into equal footing partnership between Africa and Europe, the current research and innovation cooperation between Europe and Africa in the field of renewable energy needs to be further strengthened and developed
The transition of the energy system will rely on reducing the overall energy demand and making the energy supply side climate neutral, in current and future climate conditions. R&I actions will help to make the energy supply side cleaner, more secure, and competitive by boosting cost performance and reliability of a broad portfolio of renewable energy solutions, in line with societal needs and preferences. Furthermore, R&I activities will underpin the modernisation of the energy networks to support energy system integration, including the progressive electrification of demand side sectors (buildings, mobility, industry) and integration of other climate neutral, renewable energy carriers, such as clean hydrogen. Innovative energy storage solutions (including chemical, mechanical, electrical and thermal storage) are a key element of such energy system and R&I actions will advance their technological readiness for industrial-scale and domestic applications. Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is a CO2 emission abatement option that holds great potential and R&I actions will accelerate the development of CCUS in electricity generation and industry applications.
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
- Strengthening of the joint EU-AU Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Collaborative Partnership efforts, with emphasis on improving the visibility of EU Science Diplomacy actions in Africa.
- Acceleration of the achievements of the African continent’s targets of the Paris Agreement.
- Establishing technologies for a sustainable energy system that meets the needs of different parts of society, in different geographical locations (urban and rural) and different economic sectors.
This Destination contributes to the following Strategic Plan’s Key Strategic Orientations (KSO):
- C: Making Europe the first digitally enabled circular, climate-neutral and sustainable economy through the transformation of its mobility, energy, construction and production systems;
- A: Promoting an open strategic autonomy[[ ‘Open strategic autonomy’ refers to the term ‘strategic autonomy while preserving an open economy’, as reflected in the conclusions of the European Council 1 – 2 October 2020.]] by leading the development of key digital, enabling and emerging technologies, sectors and value chains to accelerate and steer the digital and green transitions through human-centred technologies and innovations;
It covers the following impact areas:
- Industrial leadership in key and emerging technologies that work for people;
- Affordable and clean energy.